Salted Bourbon Pecan Pumpkin Pie Recipe 

Last week, I had a space cadet moment before making this pie. You know Snapchat? No account? Get one because it's fun and less stressful because nothing needs to be perfect. Pure realism! Several people emailed me that they followed me on Snapchat but never saw my snap stories.


– CRUST – 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour plus more for rolling – 1 teaspoon kosher salt – 1 cup (2 sticks) chilled unsalted butter cut into piece – 1 large egg yolk – 1/3 cup cold buttermilk plus more if needed – PUMPKIN PIE – 1 cup pumpkin puree not pumpkin pie mix – 1/4 cup heavy cream – 1/2 cup light or dark brown sugar – 1 egg – 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice* – 1/4 teaspoon salt – 1 teaspoon vanilla – PECAN PIE – 1/2 cup granulated sugar – 4 tablespoons butter – 2 egg – 1/2 cup pure maple syrup you may sub corn syrup – 1/4 teaspoon salt – 1 teaspoon vanilla – 2 tablespoons bourbon optional – 1-1 1/2 cups raw pecan – 1 cup chocolate chips optional – Flaky sea salt for sprinkling




CRUST  Combine all-purpose flour and salt in a large bowl. Break butter into flour with your fingertips until it resembles small peas. 

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Mix egg yolk and 1/4 cup chilled buttermilk in a separate bowl before adding to flour mixture. Mix with a wooden spoon, adding buttermilk (no more than 1 tablespoon at a time) until dough just comes together (a few dry areas are okay). 

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Gently knead dough on a lightly floured surface for 1 minute to remove dry areas. Divide dough in half. Create circular discs from each piece. Grease an 8-inch pie pan. 

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Roll out one disc of dough onto a lightly floured board to a 12-inch circular ( save the other for another recipe). Carefully place the crust in the pie plate. Let the dough sink into the dish by lifting the edges. 

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After trimming edges to smooth out crust, fork the dough's bottom several times. Keep the pie plate covered in the fridge for at least an hour or two days. For the pie, preheat the oven to 350°F. 

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In a bowl, combine pumpkin, heavy cream, brown sugar, egg, pumpkin pie spice, salt, and vanilla to make pumpkin pie filling. Fill your chilled pie crust with the mixture. Cream sugar and butter for pecan pie filling. 

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Scrape down the edges as you add each egg to properly integrate it. Mix maple syrup, salt, vanilla, and bourbon. Mix in half the pecans. Carefully spread pecan pie over pumpkin filling. 

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Some of the two fillings will mix, but be careful with the pecan filling to have two layers of pie! After adding the pecan pie filling to the crust, sprinkle with the remaining pecans and chocolate chips. 

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Baking the pie on the centre rack for 45–55 minutes until the centre is slightly jiggly. If the top burns before the centre, foil the pie. Finish cooling the pie before serving. Season with flaky sea salt. Refrigerate and serve roomtemp.

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Caramelized Condensed Milk Mini Apple Pies Recipe 

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