Simple Crispy Air Fryer Tofu Recipe

Air-fried tofu is crispy, tasty, and simple. It tastes fantastic marinated in sesame oil, brown sugar, and soy sauce as an appetizer or vegetarian main dish.

Thick Brush Stroke


– 16ozblock extra-firm tofu – 2tablespoonssoy sauce – 2tablespoonssesame oil – 1tablespoonmirim – 1teaspoonliquid smoke – 1teaspoongarlic powder – 1teaspoonbrown sugar teaspoonpaprikaoptional

Thick Brush Stroke


Thick Brush Stroke


The tofu should be placed between two layers of paper towels, and then a heavy pan should be placed on top of it for at least fifteen minutes. 

Thick Brush Stroke


This will remove any extra moisture that may be present in the fortified food. As soon as that is finished, chop the tofu into bite-sized pieces that are one inch in size, and then arrange them in a large bowl.

Thick Brush Stroke


In a separate bowl, the additional ingredients should be well stirred, and then they should be drizzled over the tofu when they have been thoroughly mixed together. 

Thick Brush Stroke


After mixing the ingredients to coat them, continue to marinate them for an additional fifteen minutes.

Thick Brush Stroke


Elevate the temperature of the air fryer to 375 degrees Fahrenheit using the temperature control.

Thick Brush Stroke


It is recommended that the cubes in tofu be arranged in a single layer inside the basket of the air fryer cooker.

Thick Brush Stroke


It is recommended that you shake the pan occasionally while it is cooking for ten to fifteen minutes in order to achieve a more equal frying.

Thick Brush Stroke


It is recommended that you use the dipping sauce of your choice and sprinkle some sesame seeds on top before serving.

Thick Brush Stroke


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