How To Grow Torch Lily – The Drought Tolerant Perennial With Stunning Blooms!

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Torch lilies are stunning perennial flowers that attract a variety of pollinators.Torch lily, also known as red hot pokers, is a herbaceous perennial with long blooming spikes with fiery red, orange, and yellow blossoms. Oh, does this hardy perennial offer amazing properties!  

Torch lily is one of the most drought-tolerant plants once established. It survives even the driest summers because its rhizomes retain surplus water.  

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Torch lily attracts pollinators and tolerates heat. Their brilliant blossoms attract bees, birds, and butterflies. Torch lilies are also deer and rabbit resistant, making them ideal for flowerbeds that battle with animals.  

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Torch lilies are not lilies. Instead, they are connected to poker plants, which bloom long hues above their base. With over 70 torch lily varieties, there are many excellent options to plant.  

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Some types reach 6 feet tall, while dwarf variants reach 8 inches. Most kinds bloom in spring and summer, giving flowerbeds and gardens an exotic look.   

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Torch lilies are not lilies. Instead, they are connected to poker plants, which bloom long hues above their base. With over 70 torch lily varieties, there are many excellent options to plant.  

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Some types reach 6 feet tall, while dwarf variants reach 8 inches. Most kinds bloom in spring and summer, giving flowerbeds and gardens an exotic look.   

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Seeds should be started indoors 8–10 weeks before your final frost date. Maintain soil moisture and containers at 70-75º Fahrenheit. Torch lily seeds take 30 days to germinate.  

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Plant torch lily seeds directly in soil where temps stay about 70º F.  Waiting till the soil warms will allow your plants to bloom in the second year.  

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Many buy torch lilt divisions or transplants due of its extended seed-to-flower duration.Dig up a torch lily plant in early spring when the ground is workable to divide it. Loosen soil from clumps carefully. Split the bunches in half and plant them immediately.  

Always start divisions from the plant's perimeter. Torch lilies help their edges grow. Since the center goes away as a plant ages, taking from the exterior ensures good growth.  

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Torch lilies bloom from the bottom up. The lower blossoms will dry and fade quickest. Deadheading withered flower stalks encourages new blossom growth. Old blooms can absorb more plant energy the longer they last.   


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